Code of Conduct

The learning environment is an important part of the educational process. To help facilitate effective instruction, an orderly environment must be maintained.  Students are expected to adhere to a code of good behavior not only for their own benefit, but also for the benefit of others as well.  Students should conduct themselves in a manner that will be a credit to their school and ensure the safety of all students, personnel, parents, and patrons. The Fayette County School Corporation’s “Student Code of Conduct” is the basis for the expectations of behavior of students.

 Please click here for FCSC Full Code of Conduct.

The plan for student behavior is intended to provide general guidelines by which students are to conduct themselves.  This plan includes specific violations/consequences listed below, but does not limit the disciplinary consequences that may be imposed by the administration.  The primary goal of the school is to provide students with an education that will allow them the opportunity to be successful in life.  In order to achieve this goal, there must be order and discipline in the school.  Good behavior should be recognized and rewarded, and unacceptable behavior should have consequences to ensure that a few students do not interfere with the rights of others and with the normal functions of the school. 

 Elementary Rules

1.Students will be prompt for school.

2.Students will walk quietly in all areas of the building.

3.Students will follow all rules and regulations related to student behavior as recognized by the Fayette County School Corporation Student Code of Conduct.

4.Students will conduct themselves in an orderly manner.

5.Students will obey the instructions given by all school staff members.

6.Students’ behavior will not endanger themselves or others.

7.Students will demonstrate respect for themselves and others.

8.Students’ behavior will not interrupt the normal activities of the school.

9.Students will not practice extremes in dress or grooming which cause disruption, offend good taste, or reflect unfavorably on the school. 

10.Students will not destroy/damage property that belongs to the school or others. They will use equipment in a safe and orderly manner.

11.Students will not bully others. 

12.Students will not throw items such as snowballs, rocks, sticks, etc.

13.Students will remain in supervised areas of the school or school grounds.

14.Gum is not permitted at school or school functions.

15.Roller blades, roller skates/shoes, scooters, or skateboards are not permitted on school grounds at any time, whether during or after school hours.

16.Electronic devices (Game Boys, pagers, cell phones, CD and MP3 players, IPODS, cameras, etc.) and “toys” are not to be brought to school.

17.Taking or displaying inappropriate pictures (digital or otherwise) at school or at a school sponsored event or function, with or without the consent of the student or staff member, is a violation of school rules.

18.Carbonated drinks and fast food are NOT permitted in the cafeteria.

 Each student is responsible for his/her own behavior.   Throughout the day, situations arise in which he/she chooses how to act and respond.  Each student will be held accountable for the choices he/she makes.   To assist students in the development of self-discipline, a system of rewards and consequences will be implemented.  When a student follows the rules of the school, he/she could receive a positive reward that may include any of the following:

 1.Verbal compliment

2.Material reward  (i.e. a smiley button or sticker)

3.Free time

4.Positive note home or phone call

5.Conference with principal

6.Reward from principal

7.Lunch with a staff member

8.Help teacher with special tasks

9.Citizenship Award

 Likewise, when a school or classroom rule is not followed, the student will receive a consequence.  The consequence may include one of the following listed below:


2.Time out

3.Missed recess

4.Note or phone call to parent

5.Removal from classroom

6.Parent to sit in on class

7.Student-teacher conference

8.Student-teacher-parent conference

9.Student-principal conference

10.Student-principal-parent-teacher conference


12.Behavior contract



15.Alternative learning environment


17.Referral to another outside agency 

Student Obligation: Students have an obligation to inform school personnel of potential danger or threats.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

 Bullying:  Bullying by a student or groups of students against another student or staff member with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other student/staff member through overt, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal, written, telephonic (including text messaging), electronic or computer (email, web page, blog, etc.) communications, and/or physical acts committed, or any other similar behavior is prohibited.  Students engaging in such conduct may be disciplined in accordance with IC 20-33-8.


Habitual Offender: A student who chronically exhibits disruptive behavior that interferes with an educational function or school purpose.  A student who continues to choose inappropriate behaviors regardless of repeated discipline interventions.  The consequence for the habitual offender could be suspension for up to 10 days and/or a recommendation for expulsion.


The Fayette County School Corporation believes that each student should be attired in such a way as to reflect credit to him/herself, his/her family, and the school.  The attire a student wears to school should be neat, clean and in good taste.  When helping your child select clothing appropriate for school, you should consider these guidelines:

§         Clothing that deviates from the normal to such a degree as to draw undo attention or to interrupt the educational process will not be permitted.  Clothing should not contain words or pictures that communicate a negative message. 

§         Special dress and appearance regulations will be recognized for special activities.

§         Students should always be dressed appropriately for prevailing weather conditions.

§         Students must wear shoes with a back.  Flip-flops (beach thongs) are not appropriate for school.

§         Sunglasses and hats are not to be worn in the building.

§         Shorts and skirts need to be mid-thigh in length.  A good test to determine appropriate length of shorts and skirts is to hold arms straight down at sides.  If the shorts or skirt is not longer than the fingertips, the garment should not be worn to school.  Shorts CANNOT be worn November through March.

§         Crop tops, muscle shirts, basketball jerseys (which expose the midriff and/or torso) are not appropriate and should not be worn. 

§         Articles of clothing depicting hard rock groups that advocate the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illicit sex or violence, or the confederate flag are not to be worn.

§         Body piercing jewelry must be limited to the ears.  No jewelry should be worn in the eyebrow, nose, tongue, or other visible places.  Any other piercing should be covered by clothing.

§         Hair may not be colored or styled in such a way that causes distractions at school.

§         Students may not wear makeup (with the exception of lip-gloss) while at school.