Principal's Message

Dear Reader,
Thank you for seeking out more information about Fayette Central and myself. I am a proud graduate of Ball State University and Indiana Wesleyan University. I began my journey as a kindergarten teacher with Richmond Community Schools and was privileged to have many experiences along the way that included; grades 2-3, reading interventionist, instructional coach, district elearning specialist and most recently building level administrator. With over 23 years of public education experience, I am continuing my growth and learning with FCSC.
My passion is serving others. I strive to build capacity in our teachers and staff and aim to build strong relationships with all stakeholders. This includes knowing every child and their story. We have great things happening at Fayette Central and I look forward to future partnerships within and beyond the community.
I would like to invite you to follow our story on social media. It is critical that we set high expectations for our youth and push them to meet the success criteria. You will find our journey to be one of service, academic growth and achievement encompassed with a family style learning environment. At Fayette Central, we are always #readytofly!
Thank you for stopping by our website. If you have any further questions, please send me an email or connect on social media.
Mrs. Kirsten Phillips
@kear734, @fayettecentral