This week, we are recognizing our School Counselors and Social Workers for their efforts in helping all students succeed. FCS thanks our Meridian team, Mrs. Cassidy & Mrs. Nichols, for their daily support to our Hornets! #readytofly #NSCW23

This week, we are recognizing our School Counselors and Social Workers for their efforts in helping all students succeed. FCS thanks Mrs. McCann for her daily support to our Hornets! #readytofly #NSCW23

Thank you Miss Smejkal for coming to talk to our “almost” 7th graders! They are eager to make their way to CMS. Happy counselors’s week! #readytofly #FCSCspartanpride

Thanks to Chef Cam for bringing the @chartwellsk12 smoothie bike to FCE! #FCSCspartanpride

February Hornet News is now available: https://www.smore.com/b3q76

We are proud of our Hornets that have earned a spot in the Elementary School Art Competition. Thank you @cindyblake18 for preparing our young artists. #readytofly

Would you like to join our cafeteria staff here at FCE? We are currently seeking someone that cares for kids & is team oriented. Check out the link below: https://jobs.compassgroupcareers.com/USA/job/CONNERSVILLE-FOOD-SERVICE-WORKER-%28PART-TIME%29-IN-47331/978536000/

Parents/Guardians of FCE parents: check out Dojo for an opportunity to provide feedback and help our school grow. Our link is specific to FCE. We appreciate your input and feedback! #bereadytofly

The last few weeks we were lucky to have Mrs. Summan cover our office. We can’t thank her enough for stepping in and hope she gets some rest this weekend! #readytofly

Hornet News

First positive office referral for 2023! This kid donated his jacket for someone in need; on his own. Kindness is cool! #readytofly

School Improvement Team met today to revamp our plan. We can’t wait to share what our data tells us & how we will move forward. We are lucky to have Ms. Peck join our team & help lead us through the process. She is studying to be a principal & is an ELA teacher @ CMS. #readyofly

Today, our FCE teachers looked closely at how NWEA correlates to ILEARN pass rate. We dug deep into our notice/wonder protocol and created an action plan to address identified needs. I’m very proud of the work they did today. #readytofly

Hey Hornets, while you are off today; check out this resource on MLK Jr! https://youtu.be/p1dlQo3cVBI

Friday, January 13th Hornet News. These kids keep improving on their videoing and script writing. https://youtu.be/-3rHpUs8Ep4 #readytofly

Enjoy your 3-day weekend! #readytofly

Due to the 2-hour delay, breakfast will not be served and the doors open at 9:30.
The awards program will be moved to the following times:
11:00 Grades 3-6
12:00- K-2

FCE families- tomorrow is Pantry day, all are welcome. #readytofly

January 12, 2023 we will be honoring those students that earned academic growth, achievement, honorable attendance, citizenship and A/B honor roll. Our presentation will be available to view in person or on Facebook Live @fayettecentral #readytofly

What a great turnout for our first K-Kids ice cream sale. We are excited to see the service these kids will provide for not only our school but also our community. Meet our officers and K-Kids members. #readytofly