Just a reminder, no school today but when we return it’s Red Ribbon Week! Check out our spirit days beginning 11/28. #readytofly

Short week but still had positive office referrals! Great work boys! #readytofly

Positive Office Referrals this week and learning about 4-H 💚🐝💛

They start our day and end our day! Thank YOU to all of our bus drivers! We celebrated everyone with special cookies today. #readytofly #aew2022

Every role in public education needs to be celebrated. We can't thank this group enough! Whether you're a teacher, custodian or SRO; it takes us all to raise our future leaders! #readytofly #aew2022

American Education Week is almost over but there are still so many people to thank! We could not make it without the compassion you find in these ladies! Thank YOU Ma'am and Mrs. Cowan for multi-tasking our world for us! #readytofly #aew2022

What an honor to serve public education by offering Creative Arts in all of our FCSC buildings. These educators help define the whole child as they make their way through elementary years. Thank YOU! #readytofly #aew2022

We have many partnerships at FCSC but this one keeps our students' bellies full! Thank you ladies for taking on the cafeteria and all that comes with it! We are missing a few in this picture but appreciate them all! #readytofly #aew2022

American Education Week is coming to an end but we have so many more stakeholders to celebrate! FCSC has one goal in mind: provide quality education that will produce independent, productive citizens and lifelong learners. These are a few faces of FCSC! #readytofly #aew2022

American Education Week gives us a chance to celebrate the stories behind the educator. Total years of experience in this picture: 60! Thank you for all you do! #aew2022 #readytofly

Behind the scenes of Hornet News. These kids had everything planned and scripts written before I even sat down! #readytofly

American Education Week is all about those who serve our public schools. These ladies lead the way with providing small group instruction and meeting students' individual needs. Thank you FCE instructional support team! #readytofly #aew2022

So happy to eat lunch with these two, that earned a positive office referral for helping their classmates! #reaytofly

American Education Week allows us to celebrate those that are doing the work! Thank you to these ladies for building the foundation in our primary grades! #readytofly #aew2022

Nothing like demanding your teachers to come into the hallway and seeing the students’ reaction. A little sweet and salty surprise to help bring laughter to the building. #aew2022 #readytofly #snackcart

American Education Week- telling the stories of those that serve in pubic ed. Meet our FCE special ed team-a critical role in following article 7 and meeting individual needs of our students, daily. Thank you! #readytofly #aew2022 #FCSCSpartanpride

American Education Week is always the week prior to Thanksgiving. It is a perfect time to tell our story, share those that serve in public education, and be thankful for our accomplishments at FCSC. Do you have a moment to write a note of thanks to your child's teacher, nurse, secretary, custodian, bus driver, café helper, counselor, social worker, or instructional assistant? This week, give a shout out to those that serve our public schools and use #readytofly and #aew2022 to follow the story.

Happy Veterans Day! Here are our morning announcements: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18iNVBicj6XQ-YK8vUxbzCRFxwmPZ8rpz/view?usp=sharing

Diving into LOE again, this time with Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Shepherd and Mrs. O’Rourke. Laser focus and active listening are underway! #readytofly

Hanging with our K team as we dive into our new Logic of English curriculum. These ladies are thirsty for knowledge. #readytofly