Our cross country team had many strong finishes this weekend and so proud of this kid! Proud day to be a Hornet! #readytofly

What a great day to get out and celebrate good behavior and attendance! #readytofly

Thank you FCE PTO and Ms. Pfeiffer for working concessions tonight at the Lady Spartan volleyball game. #readytofly

Congratulations to all of our FCE cross country runners this weekend. Special shout out to top place finishes by Taylor, Cole, Alissa, and Amirah! Thank YOU Mrs. Pfeiffer for training our Hornets! #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride

Thank you doesn’t seem enough for what these guys do for our school. We are lucky to have the best! #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride

Congrats to Cain, our future Spartan of the week!

October News is now available! #readytofly https://www.smore.com/jzk0r

Rolling into Friday-Eve with more positive office referrals! These Hornets keep showing our RICHER principles! #readytofly

Our futures are bright here at FCE! College Go Week #readytofly

Celebrating College Go week and Positive Office Referrals! We are #readytofly this week!

Our Monday is off to a great start! #readytofly

Fayette County School Corporation is increasing its School Resource Officer (SRO) support beginning Monday, September 26th. Billy Wayson, long time SRO and member of the sheriff's department, will be supporting both Everton and Fayette Central Elementary Schools each school day. We are excited about Mr. Wayson returning to our school district as an SRO!

Happy Friday FCE! Here is our Friday Hornet News! #readytofly

Check out next week's spirit week!

We wrapped up last week with Mr. Freed talking with our 5th graders on Constitution Day. We started this week with Positive Office Referrals already! Proud to be a Hornet! #readytofly

Please see FCSC’s latest update on weather closings and delays.

Weather Delays & Closings

Thank you PTO & DOMINOES…FCE student Kody Lovins was Domino's first customer!!! We of course had to reward the entire class with their fundraiser pizza party too!

Congratulations to Noah, our Future Spartan of the Week! #readytofly

Happy Friday, here is our first Hornet News! #readytofly https://drive.google.com/file/d/14hC1zm-M87qpoVv6oOf530AVPczhf2uH/view?usp=drivesdk