Food pantry is open tomorrow!

There will be a Public Work Session/School Board Business Meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 beginning at 5:45 PM. There will be an opportunity for public comments. We are NOT: 1) Closing any elementary buildings; 2) Moving the 6th graders to CMS and; 3) Raising taxes

Susan Barton training with K-6 teachers and FCSC Intervention Program trainer, Mrs. Stephanie Poe. MTSS clarification and practice will strengthen our targeted intervention for our most struggling students. #readytofly

September Hornet News is now available: https://www.smore.com/3e7as

Congrats to these Hornets for their POR and winning the World's Finest sale award! We hope you have a great Labor Day weekend! #readytofly

What an incredible donation for our FCSC families. Thank you Nova Circular Solutions. #FCSCSpartanpride

Today is our Title I, Family Literacy night! Don't forget to wear a white or bright color shirt this evening. We are excited to see you! #readytofly

Positive office referrals and cooperative groups in Ms. Pfeiffer's room. It was a great week! #readytofly

The Food Pantry will be open at Little Spartans Preschool on August 24th and August 31st from 4-6 p.m. All are welcome!

We’ve had a great start to our school year. I finally had time to snap some pics and we had our first PORs! #readytofly

I want to inform you we had a medical emergency this morning involving an adult in the building Our staff did an incredible job following our safety plan. Emergency personnel were contacted and the situation was resolved. Thank you to Bentonville Fire and Fayette County EMS for your quick response!

August Hornet News is now available: https://www.smore.com/13g58

Hey FCE fam, did you know our very own Mrs. Edwards is the Spartan JV volleyball coach? She debuted her coaching with CHS today! Way to go Coach LO! #readytofly

Welcome our new administrators and teachers for the 2023-2024 school year!

Excited for Challenge Day with our FCE teachers. #readytofly

Today we'd like to introduce our new Media Specialist; Mrs. Christina Neeley.
We've enjoyed our summer by keeping busy and starting new hobbies! We have celebrated many birthdays, watching the fireworks from our backyard, and just all around enjoyed being with family. I look forward to coming back to Fayette Central and being able to start this new journey with everyone. #readytofly

Today e are checking in with Art teacher; Mrs. Cindy Blake.
Mrs. Blake has had a really busy summer. She has spent a lot of time with family. She has been working on her daughter’s new house. Mrs. Blake and her husband went to visit Mount Airy, North Carolina, the home of Andy Griffith. Plus she has read lots of books! Now it’s August and time to get back into the art room for avenues of creativity!! #readytofly

Please check out these great opportunities to become a part of our team!

Today we check in the physical education teacher, Mr. Chris Bloom. During the summer I have spent time relaxing with family. We went to Life Action Family Camp in Michigan. Took a quick trip to Kings Island with friends. Spent many hours coaching and teaching athletes this summer. I will be the Boy’s JV basketball coach this upcoming season. Excited for another year of teaching our students about healthy choices and lifestyles! #readytofly

Today is the check in we've been anxiously awaiting all summer! We'd like to congratulate Miss Long on her wedding! Our check in today comes from 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Rech! ❤️
I’ve had a fun, adventure filled summer reading, hiking, and kayaking! I got to travel through 10 different states and visit 6 national parks. While visiting Glacier National Park in Montana, I got married! I’ve loved spending time with friends and family this summer, but I’m really looking forward to another great school year!