Busy and exciting week at FCE!

Due to Gleaners not delivering in time, we need to push the Food Pantry distribution out a week. The next distribution will be Thursday, November 16th, 4-6 pm.

November Hornet News is now available: https://www.smore.com/dv9x1w

All FCSC schools will be "stocking the pantry" at LSP. Help our community by donating items- by school. Fayette Central has boxed sides! Let's see how many we can stock on the shelves this month! #readytofly

The Food Pantry and Clothing Closet at LSP will be open on Thursday, November 9th, 4:00-6:00 pm .

Our K-Kids are currently working the food pantry at LSP. The clothing closet is also open. Stop by until 6:00 pm. #readytofly

Food Pantry is tonight October 19th! 4-6 pm at Little Spartans Preschool. Cooking demonstration at 3:30pm.

Practicing for our Veteran's Day program, Nov. 10th. All are invited as we celebrate those that have served in our armed forces. Be on the look out for more info in today's folders. #readytofly

Our K-Kids donated funds and shopped for our LSP food pantry. So proud of the compliments given to our kids from the community! Service project #1 #readytofly

We had our final Too Good for Drugs lesson with Chief Deputy Blaes and K-9 officer McMurray. Thank you Fayette Co Sheriff's department for your partnership! #readytofly

FCSC elementary teams are working all over the district today on tier 1 literacy instruction. A guaranteed and viable curriculum is essential for student achievement. #FCSCspartanpride

Join us to see all of our Hornet's favorite book characters.

Hornet News is now available: https://www.smore.com/g37x8 #readytofly

Attention 6th grade families:
Here is a chance to check out what WCC has to offer. We are lucky to have these opportunities right here in Fayette County. Don’t miss this great event!

Our 4th grade Hornets explored Hayes Arboretum today and made habitats. #readytofly

Our 4th grade Hornets explored Hayes Arboretum today and made habitats. #readytofly

Spirit week fun! #readytofly

K-Kids giving back to our community partners. #readytofly

Enjoy our first production of the 2023-2024 Hornet News! Shout out to Ms. Flansaas for facilitating and producing our video news. #readytofly

The HATCH program donated 4 cases of eggs for the Sept. 14th distribution. The clothing closet at LSP will also be open during Food Pantry times.