We had our first positive office referral today! I am so proud of Ryker and his willingness to help his class! #FCSCSpartanpride #readytofly

We celebrated our wonderful bus drivers today. We can’t thank them enough for keeping our kids safe! We all need to feel a part of our students’ lives and these #FCSCSpartanpride drivers start and end our students’ day. Thank YOU! #readytofly

It may be dreary outside but our classrooms are buzzing! Fantastic start to day 2! #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride

Important back to school information is now available! We can't wait to see you tomorrow Hornets! #readytofly https://www.smore.com/h67uz

Please make sure to review our 22-23 Return to School Plan. https://www.fayette.k12.in.us/page/2022-2023-return-to-school-plan

Thank you FCE PTO for sponsoring our lunch from Chartwells. Our staff enjoyed the fuel during their long day. #teadytofly

We welcomed back our teachers and staff today! Lots of laughs, collaboration and connections. I am excited to see what the year has in store! #readytofly

It’s time to order your FCE gear! Link will be open until Sept. 1. #readytofly https://fayettecentralspiritwear.itemorder.com/shop/sale/

Hey Hornets; it's almost time! Stop by Thursday, August 4th between 5:00-6:00 pm to meet your teacher and drop off your school supplies! #readytofly

So excited for the new Fayette County Library bookmobile this year! It looked great today in the parade! #FCSCSpartanpride

Today’s summer check in is from Mrs. Linda Shepherd (1st)…
I have been busy this summer meeting up with family & friends. I’ve been to Las Vegas, watched my grandkids sports & attended a couple concerts. I'm excited to see the smiling faces of my new first graders. #readytofly

Welcome Cindy Blake! Cindy is in her 28th year of teaching. The last 17 years she has been a library media specialist. She lives in Spiceland with her husband Robert & daughter Lindsey. They have 3 cats, a dog, & 2 fish. She will be teaching art at FCE & Grandview. #readytofly

Today we are checking in with Mrs. Candace McCann (social worker)…
My family took our first beach vacation to Florida. I have enjoyed baseball, gardening, reading & finishing our coop & run for our chickens. I will be bringing two new pets back to school with me! 🐸 #readytofly

We have to give a huge shout out to these wonderful guys that have made our building look beautiful! We appreciate all of your hard work! #FCSCSpartanpride #readytofly

Today’s update comes from our new secretary, Mrs. Jama Cowan…
My summer has been filled with lots of family time, sunshine, adventure, & baking. We visited Charleston, SC & made great memories. Looking forward to a great school year at Fayette Central. 💚 #readytofly

We are here until 6:00 tonight and until 3:30 tomorrow- please make sure you come in to register your Hornet!

Today’s check in is from Miss Lydia Long (6)
I started w/ teaching summer school, then have spent a ton of time w/ friends & family. My fiancé & I took a trip to Michigan, I’ve enjoyed kayaking, reading, & getting ready for next school year! I can’t wait to be back #readytofly

Checking in with Mrs. Jewell Poe today…
I have been enjoying summer by going to Daytona Beach with my family. I have been anticipating our summer outreach for church at the fair. I’ve also relaxed by swimming & reading. I’m excited for new beginnings in 2nd grade. #readytofly

Todays’s summer check in is from 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Amber Hale…
We enjoyed boat time at Brookville Lake, dance camp at Ball State and are now preparing for the Spartanette kids camp and fair. I enjoyed reading & researched some methods of Whole Brain Teaching. #readytofly

It’s time to charge and connect your Chromebook to some Wi-Fi.
This does 2 things:
1. Makes sure it is keeping a charge and is in good working condition.
2. Allows it to get all the updates it needs to start the year.
Please complete before the 8/8/22. #readytofly