Today’s check in is from Mrs. Lauren Haffner (4th grade).. We have spent the summer riding bikes, swimming at the park pool, taking lots of trips to the library, and visiting the Cincinnati Zoo. It has been a wonderful summer of fun and relaxation! #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Thank you Hornet families, teachers and staff that endured the heat and rain at our meet and greet. It was nice to see everyone! Jace was my first official Hornet introduction ❤️ #readytofly
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
meet and greet
Today’s check in is from Mrs. Kirsten Phillips… This summer has been all about family & friends. While not working at school or reading, I have been soaking up as much fun time as I can! I’m looking forward to meeting you & excited to be a Hornet! #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
It looks like the weather will be great for tomorrow evenings meet and greet! Stop by to say hi and enjoy a popsicle with a friend. I hope you are enjoying your last weeks of summer break and look forward to meeting you all! ~ Principal Phillips #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
meet and greet
It may be rainy today, but our Success Coach, Mrs. Rhonda Sparks, has filled her summer with grandkids, livestock shows, and fun! #readytofly
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
sparks summer
Today’s update is from Mrs. Ashton Boyd… Miss Fee (3rd grade) got married & went to Paris! She saw the Eiffel Tower & so much more! She also participated in the Outdoor Education program at Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary & learned about birds, rocks/fossils & plants. #readytofly
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Today we are checking in with special ed teacher, Mrs. Sarah Strong…#readytofly I have spent the summer outside with my kids, playing at Fayette Central & swimming in our pool the most! I am just soaking up all of the time I have with them before returning to work.
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Sarah strong
We would like to introduce our new 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Kelsi Johnson. This summer, she has been soaking up the sun with her daughter & family. She has enjoyed swimming, playing, birthday parties, and watching her daughter learn and grow! #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Johnson’s summer
Tomorrow is Amazon Prime Day...don't forget your Hornet's school supplies! #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
school supplies
school supplies
Ever wonder what your teachers are up to over summer break? Watch our social media as they check in and prepare for the 22-23 school year. #readytofly #FCSCSpartanpride Mrs. Lucas (kindergarten) started the summer celebrating Mrs. Boyd’s wedding. Her and her husband Nick traveled to Key West and Miami. They went snorkeling on the reef and on an airboat ride in the Everglades. Her family also bought a pontoon boat this year. They have been enjoying lake life! Now that vacations are done, she plans to re-charge and rest before shortly heading back into the classroom to prep for the upcoming year!
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Lucas summer
The 22-23 school year is quickly approaching! Keep up to date with the latest on registration and new bell times! #FCSCSpartanpride #readytofly
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Here’s another summer update from Mrs. Thompson (K) and her family! #FCSCSpartanpride #readytofly I spent the first half going between fields watching my daughter, Emma, play softball and my son, River, play t-ball. Emma's team won the championship undefeated for her league! My husband and I went on a weekend trip to Paducah, Kentucky where we took a Catfish Noodling tour on Kentucky Lake. It was an experience to say the least. Next week we are going to stay in Gulf Shores, AL with 4 of our 6 kids. We had a fun summer, including VBS at our church, Buena Southern Missionary Baptist Church. To better my mind and heart, I started a new, independent Bible study and also a PD book called Shifting the Balance. We've also spent some quality time with our two grandkids Bentley and Jaycee. I am excited to get back to work!
over 2 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Thompson summer
Thompson summer
Fayette Central will be celebrating our students tomorrow with Honors and Awards. Parents and guests are welcome. Primary awards at 8:30, Intermediate awards at 9:30, Kindergarten Graduation at 12:30, Sixth Grade walk at 2:00.
almost 3 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Congratulations on your retirement from Fayette Central Mr. Day. You are irreplaceable!
almost 3 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Me. Day retirement
Thank-you Mrs. Ross and her seventh grade art students for making our first graders stuffed dolls that exactly made our drawings come to life! We love them all!!
almost 3 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
art dolls
Staff and student kickball game. A fun end to a great day! The teachers came out on top both games.
almost 3 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
kick ball
kick ball
kick ball
Fayette Central Field Day
almost 3 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
field day
field day
field day
field day
Third grade is doing an outstanding job with their wax museum today. Parents and guests are welcome to join us.
almost 3 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
wax museum
wax museum
wax museum
wax museum
Dear Parents on the last student day, May 25th, bus 17-01 will be approximately 10 minutes late in dropping its students off in the afternoon.
almost 3 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary
Here is Fayette Central's May Newsletter:
almost 3 years ago, Fayette Central Elementary