Clothing Giveaway May 5th at Little Spartans Preschool 5-7PM

Thank-you Fayette County Drug Coalition for donating the flowers and supplies Mrs. Hale and Ms. Pfeiffer’s students planted and are donating to the residents of Carrollton Manor.

There is a bonus food drive at the old Kmart parking lot today from 4-6 p.m.

Great job Fayette Central cross country team. Thank-you Ms. Pfeiffer for coaching.

We had a great spring concert featuring our third grade singers. Thank- you Mrs. Sanders for all your hard work with the help of Mrs. Miller and Miss Fee.

Join us for our Spring Concert this coming Thursday, April 14th. It will be at the Robert E. Wise Center at CHS at 6:30. The concert will feature our third graders and our new music teacher Mrs. Sanders.

Family Fun Event at the National Guard Armory
we will be having a Family Fun Event on April 2nd at the National Guard Armory from 12-3pm. This event will include activities for families including carnival style games, a rock wall, and the Hidden In Plain Sight (HIPS) trailer offering caregivers (adults) the opportunity to learn about current substance use trends and about what may be hiding in your child’s room.
Thank you to Reid Health Community Benefit for their support in getting the HIPS trailer for our event!

Here is Fayette Central's April Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/4h2c1

Middle School is hosting a virtual visit again this year for sixth graders who will be going to CMS for the 2022-2023 school year. Please visit this link for more information: https://sites.google.com/g.fayette.k12.in.us/6thgradeparentvirtualevent/home

Kindergarten is making their leprechaun traps. He better watch out!

Fayette Central fifth graders are learning about Indiana history at the Statehouse today.

Just a reminder that Monday March 14th is Spring Picture Day!
Also, Please don't forget to move your clocks ahead one hour this Sunday.

Tomorrow is our last day to preorder yearbooks online. You can still preorder them in the office until Friday, March 18th. We will have a very limited number of extra copies to purchase after that. Yearbooks will be delivered the last week of school.

It's a great day to celebrate Dr. Suess!

Don't forget to nominate an outstanding teacher for Teacher of the Year. Nominations are due by next Monday, March 7th.

Friday, March 11, 2022 is the last day to order yearbooks! Please get your order in now. they will be delivered at the end of this school year.

Here is Fayette Central's March Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/f15tz

Spring Pictures are coming soon! They will be Monday March 14. More information will be coming home soon.

Fayette Central students are having a great time at the Ball State basketball game after completing Charlie’s Reading Challenge

According to the latest health guidelines masks will be optional on school busses beginning February 26,2022