Next week is Dr. Suess Week
Monday is One Fish Two Fish- wear red or blue
Tuesday is The Cat in the Hat- wear stripes or a hat
Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday- wear wacky clothes
Thursday is Green Eggs and Ham- wear green
Friday is Sleep Book- wear pajamas

Just a reminder that tomorrow, President’s Day, is a regular school day. Masks are now optional in the building but still required on the bus. Please continue to do your quick health checks at home.

Dear All: A reminder that Monday, February 21 is a regular school day. It is our first snow make-up day.

Please read Mr. Collin’s letter regarding COVID updates

Mrs.Thompson’s class made friendship salad in class today

Please nominate an excellent teacher to represent Fayette County Schools

Fayette County Schools will be closed on Friday, February 4th due to winter weather conditions. We will make this day up using our 2nd built-in snow day on April 18th.
Enjoy your Snow Day and stay safe!

Please read the weather closing message for February 3,2022

Here is Fayette Central's February Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/t0baq

Today we are 100 days smarter at Fayette Central

Welcome back to our third quarter of the 2021-2022 school year. Here is our January newsletter: https://www.smore.com/xyfrmt

We hope everyone has had a wonderful break. We look forward to seeing everyone back to begin our third nine weeks this coming Wednesday, January 5, 2022.

Thank-you CMS choir for coming to perform for us today

Kindergarten is making gingerbread houses

Fayette Central is getting ready for the holidays- Mrs. Poe and Mrs. Hale’s classes are making cinnamon ornaments and Mrs. Miller’s class is making painted glass ornaments.

Please read the Fayette Central December Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/wez7y

Second graders spend their bee ticket prize by inviting sixth grade friends to their Thanksgiving fun

Third grade students from Fayette Central had the opportunity to explore downtown Fayette County on Thursday, November 18. Over the past month, third grade students have been learning about the history of Fayette County. From Native American tribes that lived here to John Conner's discovery to the canal to present day, students have learned about the development of our town. Students in Mrs. Miller and Miss Fee's class were able to visit the Fayette County Museum, the courthouse, and the Elmhurst. Donna Schroeder and Brian Durham were the tour guides at the museum showing all of the historical artifacts within the museum. Students loved the old tools, art, and cars on display. Officer Robert Fee and Judge Paul Freed toured the courthouse, instructed on our local government, and answered questions regarding our judicial system. Lastly, students were able to tour the Elmhurst. The Elmhurst is full of history; students were guided on a tour throughout each room learning about President Benjamin Harrison's stay and the architectural work inside. Also, students were able to learn of the connection between the Elmhurst and the canal. For lunch, Daniel Girls Farmhouse Restaurant graciously welcomed both classes for lunch. They made the lunch experience one to remember by providing candy canes and reindeer food as a souvenir! Miss Fee and Mrs. Miller say, "Thank you to everyone in the community showing our third grade students the incredible history in our small town!"

At Fayette Central we have an amazing staff that goes the extra mile for your children daily. FCSC has a new way you can share your appreciation for that special teacher in your child's life. Please click on the following link to share your appreciation: shorturl.at/hjH78

At Fayette Central we honor our Veterans with a show produced by Hornet News and Mrs. Faulkenberg. Please watch: https://bit.ly/3C8gFr4