At the Fayette County School Corporation, we offer students many rich & immersive opportunities to explore STEM principles (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathetmatics). One great example is our STEM club at Fayette Central Elementary School. Here you see members of the STEM club during their recent rocket launches. Maybe there's a future scientist in the group?
Great things are happening at the Fayette County School Corporation!

Parents and Guardians,
In our continued efforts to enhance convenience and simplify your lives, we have partnered with LINQ to implement LINQ Connect. This innovative platform is designed to improve the way you make payments for various school-related expenses, including:
•School lunches
• Apply for free and reduced benefits and more
To register for LINQ Connect and start enjoying its benefits, please visit your app store and download the app or visit https://www.linqconnect.com and click “Register” to create your account.
Convenience: With LINQ Connect, you can make payments anytime, anywhere, using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Say goodbye to writing checks or sending cash.
Easy Account Management: The platform provides a user-friendly interface for managing your account, tracking history, and setting up automatic payments for recurring expenses.
Secure Transactions: LINQ Connect utilizes advanced security measures to ensure that your personal and payment information are protected at all times.
Real-Time Updates: Receive instant notifications and updates regarding your child's account balance, upcoming payments, and any changes to scheduled activities or events.
If you have any questions or need assistance at any point during the registration process or while using LINQ Connect, please do not hesitate to reach out to the LINQ Connect support team at support@linqconnect.com or 844-467-4700. For faster response, try the new online web chat support feature at linqconnect.com.
Thank you,
Chartwells Food Service/Fayette County Schools

K-Kids met yesterday and decided to support the efforts of Crosspointe Biker Church in their hurricane relief trip. K-Kids will sell candy, Gatorade, and chips as extras next week with all proceeds donated to Crosspointe's Hurricane Helene Disaster trip. Thank you in advance for your support! #readytofly
You may also donate at Grandview Elementary:
Sunday October 6, 2024 9:00-5:00
This donation site is organized by Weather Aware, IWN, Porch Time LLC, Cory’s Lawn Service
Items requested:
Shelf stable food 🥫
Baby items🍼
First aide supplies🩹
Cleaning supplies🧹
Pet supplies 🐶
Battery banks💥
Cell phone chargers🔌
These items will make their way to Newport, Tennessee via Indiana State Police escort

Upcoming dates for the food pantry/clothing closet

Chartwells would love for you to join their team!

IMPORTANT FINAL REMINDER! The Fayette County School Corporation needs your help! After today, Monday, September 30th, our Corporation Free/Reduced Lunch percentage is final for the school year. While you may still apply for Free/Reduced Lunch after this date, doing so prior to October 1st helps our School Corporation qualify for Title I funding, the USDA's Community Eligibility Program (free lunch for our elementary students), other grant funding, and more. If you believe you are near the income thresholds for Free or Reduced Lunch and have not yet filled out your application, please do so today!
Applying and not receiving the benefit has no negative effect on you or your child. If you do qualify, you will receive either free or reduced lunches for your children. Only one application needs to be completed per household, per year.
The quick and easy application can be found at: https://lunchapplication.com/
Thank you for your help! Go Spartans!

October Hornet News is now available: https://secure.smore.com/n/bcwx21

IMPORTANT MESSAGE! The Fayette County School Corporation needs your help! After Monday, September 30th, our Corporation Free/Reduced Lunch percentage is final for the school year. While you may still apply for Free/Reduced Lunch after this date, doing so prior to October 1st helps our School Corporation qualify for Title I funding, the USDA's Community Eligibility Program (free lunch for our elementary students), other grant funding, and more.
If you believe you are near the income thresholds for Free or Reduced Lunch and have not yet filled out your application, please do so today! Applying and not receiving the benefit has no negative effect on you or your child. If you do qualify, you will receive either free or reduced lunches for your children. Only one application needs to be completed per household, per year.
The quick and easy application can be found at: https://lunchapplication.com/
Thank you for your help! Go Spartans!

College Go week begins Monday!

Save the date for our Fall Picture Day! You may order now at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/86718HF

Did you know that Fayette County School Corporation can train YOU to be a bus driver?
We are looking for responsible and passionate individuals to join the Spartan Family as bus drivers, substitute bus drivers, and event drivers. Reach out today to inquire about our upcoming paid training opportunities. Go Spartans!
Darrell Drew ddrew@fayette.k12.in.us

Our STEM club is working hard on the scientific method this month. Today, they practiced their egg drop to see if they created a contraption that would safely carry the egg to the ground. We had 2 successful landings! #readytofly

We need YOU!

We hope you are enjoying today off with your friends and family. Just a reminder, next Monday is an early release day. Please let our office know of any transportation changes. 825-6261

The Food Pantry/Clothing Closet at LSP will be open on Thursday, September 12th and 26th, 4:00-6:00pm. No identification is required. All are welcome.

August/September Hornet News is now available: https://secure.smore.com/n/s1w80

We started our morning with a visit from Mr. Duncan. This is the second Monday in a row he has welcomed us to school. Maybe we should give him a door duty? 🤷🏻♀️

We kicked off our morning with our first all school assembly with World’s Finest Chocolate. Did your kiddo return a signed permission slip? Chocolate is coming home today! If you need another permission slip, contact your teacher. #readytofly

Congratulations to Adler, our very first positive office referral! Thank you for being a big help to your classmates! #readytofly

Friendly reminder...next Monday, August 12th is the first "Early Release Monday" for both our Elementary Schools and CHS. Please plan accordingly.